
Picture Perfect: StoryTelling Real-Life Moments through Photography

Join us for an immersive photography experience where we explore the art of capturing the essence of everyday life. Learn the technical side of photography and how to compose dynamic and impactful images, but more importantly, discover the value in being present and tuning into the energy of a moment. With intention and curiosity, we'll explore human connection, embrace perfectly imperfect moments, and learn the balancing act of documenting and partaking in life’s moments. Through this workshop, you'll learn to embrace being the storykeeper and uncover tools to freeze-frame moments in time to be cherished for a lifetime. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned photographer- with a smartphone, DSLR, or mirrorless camera- this workshop is for you! Join us on this journey of discovery and explore the world of photography as you've never seen it before!

Duration: 2.5 hrs

Don't see a date that suits? Groups, Privates & customized workshops by request. email info@kimberleyrae.ca

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